Peerless Trout Health Centre
Peerless Lake, Alberta
The communities of Peerless Lake and Trout Lake required a new, comprehensive health center for the Peerless Trout First Nations Reserve. The health center includes examination rooms, treatment rooms, therapeutic tub room, secure medical storage, kitchen facilities, dental treatment room, administration suite, counseling rooms, and staff facilities. The new center is a multi-use facility which encompasses a wide array of services including community health, pre-natal and maternal health, Well Baby, Bright Futures, home care, dental care, and visiting therapists.
The design concept was sensitive to the site and setting of this northern Alberta location. The isolation of this location makes the enhanced outreach and community services of the center especially important to the well-being of these communities. The project includes a triplex staff residence and a garage. The new health center was completed in 2014.