About the Engagement
This website provides an overview of the engagement process for the College of the Rockies Library expansion/renovation project.
A summary of each week’s session is found below, with a series of videos and power point presentations explaining the planning process and work completed during the process. We encourage you to visit this page often and share this website with anyone you know who should have input.
Visit each session page at any time to give us your feedback. The live engagement events will not be the only way or chance for stakeholders to participate. Polls and questionnaires will be made available from Friday morning until Wednesday at noon (the questionnaires will be available starting at 12:00am on Fridays after the sessions) to gather additional information from the staff, students and any other stakeholders. We may all be physically isolated at this time, but we will come together and work together in other ways.
Project Background
The College of the Rockies is undertaking an initiative to enhance the student experience through the creation of a “learning commons” consisting of engaging and supportive space(s), services, partnerships and technologies that will facilitate progressive learning, teaching and campus connections and experiences for all students, employees and the larger regional community.
To start the process, the Library is hosting a series of community engagement sessions to gather stakeholder input to understand users’ needs, requirements and preferences to improve library operations, user experiences and future partnership and expansion requirements.
The goal of the stakeholder sessions is to begin the conversation with the College of the Rockies community about how the existing library is, or is not, meeting your needs (for spaces, services, resources, technologies, etc.) and how you would like to see it evolve.
The input gathered at these sessions will drive the design decisions to determine how best to move the Library forward and enhance the student learning experience at the College of the Rockies.
Brief Introduction of each Sessions
During the first community engagement session, we will provide a bit of information on the project background and existing library conditions. We will talk about how the existing library is, or is not, meeting your needs (for spaces, services, resources, technologies, etc.) and how you would like to see it evolve. We will also talk about the important design principles to consider through all of the community engagement sessions. All of this information will help us dive into the main discussion; how does the library move forward into a new one-stop shop “learning commons” that will merge key student success and support services within a 21st Century learning community?
During the second community engagement session, we will do a quick re-cap of what we heard during the last meeting, and then we will be talking about the first two design principles to consider when design a learning commons space. All of the input that you provide will help us answer the main discussion question; how does the library move forward into a new one-stop shop “learning commons” that will merge key student success and support services within a 21st Century learning community?
During the third community engagement session, we will do a quick re-cap of what we heard during the last meeting, and then we will be talking about the next two design principles to consider when designing a learning commons space. All of the input that you provide will help us answer the main discussion question; how does the library move forward into a new one-stop shop “learning commons” that will merge key student success and support services within a 21st Century learning community?
During the fourth community engagement session, we will do a quick re-cap of what we heard during the last meeting, and then we will be talking about the final design principle to consider when designing a learning commons space, as well as discussing furniture solutions that could be incorporated in the new design. All of the input that you provide will help us answer the main discussion question; how does the library move forward into a new one-stop shop “learning commons” that will merge key student success and support services within a 21st Century learning community?
During the fifth and final community engagement session, we will do a full summary of all the community input we have gathered during the previous session. All of this input will help us answer the main discussion question; how does the library move forward into a new one-stop shop “learning commons” that will merge key student success and support services within a 21st Century learning community?