Community Engagement

College of the Rockies: Session #4

Library Community Engagement


Join us on Thursday February 4, 2021 from 4pm – 5pm for the live event

Please download Zoom to your computer, tablet, or smart phone prior to the meeting so you don’t miss out on any important information. Visit for installation instructions.

Join us on Zoom meeting

Session #4 Topics:

During the fourth community engagement session, we will do a quick re-cap of what we heard during the last meeting, and then we will be talking about the final design principle to consider when designing a learning commons space, as well as discussing furniture solutions that could be incorporated in the new design. All of the input that you provide will help us answer the main discussion question; how does the library move forward into a new one-stop shop “learning commons” that will merge key student success and support services within a 21st Century learning community?

Session #4 Questionnaire:

If you missed the live event, you can still participate by using the link below to respond to questions that were asked. Please note that these questions will only be available throughout the entire community engagement phase.

Click here for the questionnaire

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